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Vastu for Hospitals


A personal note

Service to humanity is the highest form of expressing our gratitude to the society and for a long time I had been wanting to make my little contribution in this direction by working on the idea of implementing Vastu principles for designing modern hospital complexes. Honestly, I had no idea where I would land up.

It proved to be an extremely complex exercise. I took time to understand the functioning of the hospitals, understand the spatial dynamics and inter-relationship of the various departments, their unique requirements, their pranic attributes and their vibrations. I discussed the subject with several professionals from the medical field who gave their valuable inputs, and I spent countless hours on thinking and meditating upon the subject.

I express my sincere thanks to all of them for their time and effort. I feel that the effort has been worth its while.

I dedicate this page to my gurus of Vãstuvidya and the sacred memory of my beloved parents.

Arun Vyas


Vastu Shastra for Hospitals

Application of Vastu principles in designing hospital buildings is an important but yet unexplored area of application. Those who come here have low levels of energy, and it is important that a building be designed which is a zero-error structure as per the Vastu rules.

In my opinion the line of thought to follow is: Make the Hospital Building also a healing factor.

Having said this, let us look further into the subject. There are General hospitals and Specialty hospitals. But any hospital will have has the following segments and departments:

  • Reception/Admission/Patient Records/Cashier

  • Consulting – Waiting Rooms, Consulting Chambers

  • Testing – CT SCAN, MRI, Ultrasound, X-ray.

  • Treatment and Surgery – OT, Chemo and Radiation Therapy

  • ICU

  • Accommodation of In-house patients

  • Trauma Care and Emergency

  • Executive Offices

  • Administration – HRD, PRD, Conference and Training Room

  • Support Services – ATM, Blood Bank, Cafeteria, Chemist store, Social Services, Maintenance Dept , Computer Server Room, Central AC Unit, Sterile Supplies Dept,

  • Inward Receiving Store

  • Staff Quarters

  • Kitchen

  • Laundry

  • Power Backup Services

  • Water Treatment Plant

  • Garage for Hospital Vehicles

  • Visitors’ Parking Area

  • Disposal Area/Incinerator

  • Morgue

Land for the Hospital

To begin with, select the land for the hospital project according to Vastu principles. It is ideal to have a square site, because in a site with equal sides there is a uniform balance of energy.

Orientation of the Hospital Building

It is best if the hospital building faces East. A building which faces East gets the healing rays of the morning Sun has higher curative atmosphere.

Planning the Hospital Building

  • Select propitious time according to Vedic astrology to begin each important phase of construction, and for the opening of the hospital.

  • When planning the hospital complex the area of Pishacha Vithi should be left free. This corresponds to one ninth of the area on all the four sides and may be incorporated in the design for movement of people, stretchers, trolleys, waiting area etc.

  • A building whose height is 1.25 times more than its length is termed Paushtika which promotes health and vitality. This is an ideal length to height ratio for a hospital building.

  • Care should be taken that the height of each successive floor is adjusted as per Vastu principles of designing.

  • Follow Vastu principles to plan the size of each section – all rooms, chambers, halls, OT, wards etc. with Ayadi calculations.

  • The Reception and Admission Desk, OPD, Emergency/Trauma Response Wing, and Minor OT should be planned in the North East part of the hospital.

  • The Administrative, HRD and Corporate Resource Department should be in NW. Place all consulting chambers in NE. This is the best direction for diagnostic work.

  • All testing and analytical laboratories – Radiology, Ultrasound, MRI, CT Scan, ECG etc – should be placed in West. However, clinical laboratories should be located in South.

  • Department of Nuclear Medicines, where nuclear isotopes are used for treatment of cancer and radio-immunotherapy, should be located in North

Similarly there are other positions which have been worked out for ICU, Dialysis, Pacemaker units, Physio and Occupational Therapies, wards for infectious and non-infectious diseases, Nursing stations, hospital kitchen, morgue, power backups, patients records, Central Sterile Supplies Departments, Waste Disposal Units, Parking, and a host of other units.

Sleeping Position of the Patients

  • Earth’s magnetic field travels from North Pole to South Pole. Therefore, it is important that the beds in all wards be positioned in such a manner that all patients sleep with head facing South and feet facing North. This sleeping position will align their body with Earth’s magnetic field and help in speedy recovery.

  • Avoid placing the bed of the patients directly under an exposed beam. Sleeping under an exposed beam would delay recovery.

  • Do not place the bed under a window. It would make a patient restless.

  • Do not place the bed between two doors. It would aggravate the symptoms.

  • Do not place the bed with the head or foot pointed at a door. This position would delay the recovery.

  • Do not place the bed against a lavatory wall. It would make a patient more sick.

Prayer Room

A prayer room in a modern hospital? Well, yes.

Numerous patients and their relatives who visit the hospital are religious and spiritual, and it is appropriate that they have access to a prayer room for offering prayers for a speedy recovery or as a regular habit. The best position of a prayer room is in North-Eastern part of the hospital, either near the entrance or just outside the main hospital building.

Music for Healing: Indian Ragas

Indian music is a union of emotional, spiritual and scientific sound in space. The articulation, pitch, tone and specific arrangement of notes in a particular raga stimulates, alleviates and cures various ailments inducing electro magnetic change in the body. Symphonies of raga have a definite soothing effect on the mind as well as on the body and it would be a good idea to play the soft soothing ragas in the hospital.

Here is a list of Indian Musical Ragas and their Therapeutic Effect that has been compiled by us.

Mantras for Healing

There are several mantras for restoration and rejuvenation of health. One needs to think about their systematic utilization in modern hospitals.

For instance, a very powerful influence on the human mind comes from Om. Chanting of Om in known to help control blood pressure, relieve stress, alter neurological states, control the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, endocrine and restore the nervous system.

To sum, a Hospital Building should be such where, besides the doctors and medicines, the divine cosmic life energy is also harnessed to alleviate pain and accelerate healing and recovery of the patients.


©Arun Vyas. This article may not be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author. Arun Vyas may be contacted at /



Aun-Vyas-logo_edited.png Vastu Sindhu by arun vyas Logo

”Indian sacred architecture of whatever date, style, or dedication goes back to something timelessly ancient and now outside India almost wholly lost, something which belongs to the past, and yet it goes forward too, though this the rationalistic mind will not easily admit, to something which will return upon us and is already beginning to return, something which belongs to the future.”

                                                         -Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India  

Vastu Consultant & Teacher

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